Tuesday, 24 August 2010 17:17

Back to School - Latest news 24 August 2010 12:00AM

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12h00 London time, Tuesday 24th August 2010

DrukpaTrust_IMG_0543Back to School

All day pupils appear to be safe.  Two DWLS day-pupils who are currently in a relief camp will be moving into the school hostel for 2 months while their homes are rebuilt.

All classes have resumed in a combination of cleaned classrooms and dormitories, and in tents.  The residential children are back in the hostel and are no longer having to sleep in the Dining Hall.

Staff from HCC (Hindustan Construction Company Ltd) have nearly completed work on the clean up inside the buildings and will be active for a further 10 days on clearing mud and boulders from the campus.

Read 3147 times Last modified on Wednesday, 31 January 2018 16:04