Card payments

UK tax payers, please use the top button "UK tax payers only: Gift Aided Donations" if you can gift aid your donation.


International Donors, please use the second button "International Donors and non gift aided UK donations". (UK non gift-aided donations here too).



If you are an individual UK taxpayer please make your payment with the "UK tax payers only: Gift Aided Donations" button and Drukpa Trust will be able to reclaim tax on your donation, making it worth nearly a quarter more to us, at no cost to yourself. (Note that you must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the total tax that Drukpa Trust and other UK charities reclaim on your donations in each tax year, ending 5th April.)

For more information on Gift Aid, please visit:

If you are not resident in the UK and/or do not pay UK income tax and/or capital gains tax, please make your payment with the Non Gift Aided button


Note for Singapore donors: it has been identified that as of the end of March 2015 Singaporeans are no longer able to use PayPal to donate to foreign-registered charities and non-profit organisations (NPOs). Please contact your local Drukpa organisation for alternative ways to donate to the school.






UK tax payers only: Gift Aided Donations



International Donors and non gift aided UK donations