The preparation for the blooming day commences a month prior! So much to look after and take care of….why of course! Because it is the most special day for our school’s INFANT SECTION i.e from Nursery toddlers to the students of std 1st . The coordinators and teachers of this section have to churn their blood and sweat the entire one month to make this prog a success and joyous ONE. The USP of this prog is that it has been formulated exclusively to provide an early age opportunity and helps student feel absolute EASE while on a social platform. The teachers of the section break through all the unexpected challenges as they bring about 100% participation for 290 students during this prog. The day brings immeasurable happiness to the parents and unhindered pride to the teachers….. as they watch the TINY TOTS project enthusiasm and confidence at their tender age. Following the past practice .this year too the kids enjoyed performing on a specific theme “ SEASONS” of the year . The school PECKER BAND and the hula-hoop troupe mesmerized the guests and parent on the special occasion!